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Willkommen im Bound by Blood. Wir sind ein Fandom/Mystery RPG das an die Serie Shadowhunters angelehnt ist. Unser Board exestiert schon 3 Jahre, bei den Important Information könnt ihr alles nachlesen was passiert ist sowie auch das lĂ€ngst Vergangene! Das Board orientiert sich an der Serie aber auch mit Elementen aus den BĂŒchern. Genauso gibt es bei uns die Möglichkeit eigene Rassen mit einfliesen zu lassen, wenn sie unserem Setting entsprechen, jene könnt ihr bei der Charaktervorstellung vorstellen und wir schauen ob wir hamonieren könnten! Ihr könnt und dĂŒrft gerne bei uns mitwirken, wenn gewĂŒnscht, doch auch hat das Team viele eigene Ideen, um euch genĂŒgend Plots zu bieten. Unser Rating ist auf FSK 18 gesetzt. Wir spielen nach dem Prinzip der Szenentrennung und verfĂŒgen ĂŒber keine MindestpostlĂ€nge. Wir schreiben unsere eigene Geschichte, bei der ihr euch gut einbringen könnt. Es sind ĂŒbernatĂŒrliche Wesen, wie Nephilim, Engel, DĂ€monen, Hexenmeister, Vampire, Werwölfe, Elben und andere Wesen gestattet. Interesse? Dann melde dich an und werde ein Teil von uns!
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&&' WetterInplay Info
Ein Blick auf den Kalender verrĂ€t uns, dass August - Dezember 2010 unseren Zeitraum zeigt. Der August wurde - seinem Ruf vollstĂ€ndig gerecht und sorgte mit einem Wetterumschwung bis zu einer Spitzentemperatur von 36° Grad. Doch der anschließende Sepember lĂ€sst die Temperaturen wieder um einige Grade sinken. Es ist mit 16 - 20° zu rechnen. Im Oktober hĂ€lt dann der Herbst einzug und im November könnten wir sogar in einigen Gebieten mit Schnee rechnen. SpĂ€testens im Dezember finden wir dann so gut wie ĂŒberall Schnee. Die Temperaturen im Herbst sind ziwschen maximal 17° bis maximal 11° . Im Winter hingehen zwischen +3 - 15°. Die nĂ€chste Vollmonde sind am: Dienstag, 24. August 2010 | Donnerstag, 23. September 2010 | 23. Oktober 2010 | 21. November 2010 | 21. Dezember 2010

» Inplay-Monate: August-November 2010
» Tage: Montag bis Sonntag
» NÀchster Zeitsprung: 05.05.2024
06.12 Chrissi verlĂ€sst das Team, wir heißen ab sofort Gwenny als neues Teammitglied willkommen.
14.11 3 Jahre Bound by Blood!!!
31.07 Wir vergrĂ¶ĂŸern das Team. Ab sofort ist Monny Teil des Teams.
28.02 Der erste Charakter aus der Vergangenheit ist hier, nÀmlich Will Herondale. Weitere sind gerne gesehen.2 neue Rassen wieder im Forum. Community Abende mit unseren Usern.
31.01 ZusĂ€tliche Blacklist Warnung, Neue Gesuche und Sets fĂŒr alle Charas erstellt von Ana aka. Leonora.
15.11 Automatische Themen Archivierung ist nun aktiv. Neue Hintergrund Infos bei den Backround Informations und im Wiki.
14.11 2 Jahre Bound by Blood!!!
18.09 Neue an das Inplay angepasste Storyline, Zeitsprung, Neue Rasse, Was bisher geschah & Timeline
16.09 Kai und Jutta haben das Forum verlassen. Chrissi unterstĂŒtzt uns wieder als neues Teammitglied
02.04 Start des neuen Inplayplotes.
12.03 Der alte Plot und das Spieljahr 2009 ist beendet. Wir befinden uns nun im Jahr 2010 im Inplay. Der neue Plot wird die Tage gestartet.
18.11 Wir haben ein neues Standard Design.
17.09 Wir begrĂŒĂŸen Jutta aka Alec Lightwood als neues teammitglied!
19.08 Das Forum wurde neu zusammengebaut und alle Fehler behoben. Zudem begrĂŒĂŸen wir Kai aka Jace im neues Teammitglied. Das zweite Design ist fertig.

09.07 Verstorbene Charaktere nun als NPC im Nebenplay spielbar.
22.05 Unsere Technik-Abteilung arbeitet gerade an der Lösung des Alert-Problems.
24.01 Wir arbeiten an einem zweiten Design.
03.12 Werft doch mal einen Blick auf unseren Adventkalender.
22.11 Wir begrĂŒĂŸen ein neues Mitglied im Team.
15.11 Das Inplay wurde heute offiziell eröffnet.
14.11 Das Forum ist nun offiziell eröffnet. Es gibt noch das ein oder andere optische Detail das angepasst wird aber das erledigen wir so nebenbei.
07.11 Das Forum ist bald fertig und wird die nÀchsten Tage eröffnet werden.
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ThemenĂŒbersicht (Neueste zuerst)
Geschrieben von <g12>Serafina Rossi</g12> - 06.09.2022, 09:01
What happened then caught Serafina by surprise. The mood suddenly toppled, and she would’ve sworn she felt the temperature drop significantly. When she looked into Leonidas’ eyes, she was taken aback by the cold anger she could see in his gaze. And it was directed precisely at her. She stiffened in her seat as he raised his voice, glad to not have touched the cup in a while, for she wouldn’t know what she would have done if she had.
He stood up, placing his hands on the table, and Sera returned the angered look he gave her. She did not say a single word as he spoke, raising his voice. The change in his tone not only angered but also hurt her. Honestly, she did not know why on earth he would be so damn upset about what she had said. Wasn’t she right? Anyone would have done the same if their childhood best friend had gone missing. She tried to keep it in, she really did. But at some point, she snapped. Sera raised from her seat, disregarding the spilled coffee that was already staining the desk. Just like before, she mirrored him, placing her hands on the hard wood. It felt cold compared to the heat that was rising in her body. This time not from embarrassment, but irritation and annoyance. “You would have done the same thing!”, she hissed, voice raised. “Fuck, Leonidas, I’m not a child anymore. What on earth do you think I’ve trained so hard for these past years? To go out of my way to find you, only to brew a cup of tea for the person that has ripped you from our lives?!” The more she heard from him, and the more she herself spoke, the angrier she got. Her body was trembling with suppressed rage and hurt. Did he really take her to be that incompetent? “I am not as weak as you make me out to be!”
When he slammed his hands on the desk, she flinched, only then to shake her head in disbelief. Never in her life had she seen him lose his composure – his temper – this way. Not once back then, and most certainly not now. He always seemed to have his act together, but now, his pristine mask broke. In the back of her head, a little voice asked why he was naming friends, family and her separately. As if they all had their own categories. Did he not consider her a friend any longer? Did he ever? Whatever it was, the voice could not make its presence known for long, as it was overshadowed by the suppressed emotions in her chest that were trying to break free. Her heart was racing in her chest, and that cold sensation she had felt before was back. They were both shaking in anger, bodies tense as they glared at each other. Again, he raised his voice, and she just stood there, taking it in. Eventually, she pressed her lips together, averting her gaze to their hands which were both placed relatively close to each other on his desk. His apology did nothing for her, so she ignored it. Instead, she shook her head slightly. “It wasn’t meant to be something of a ‘childish prank’”, she breathed, voice pressed. “I was being serious. But yeah, I get it. ‘When has Sera ever been serious about anything?’, am I right?” There it was again. Classic Sera, always overthinking. Taking things the wrong way. Fuming, she didn’t see it. Thankfully, she didn’t have any tears left to cry today, so her sight was clear. “Even now, I occasionally still lose fights. I get my ass handed right back to me by the ones who are more experienced than me, simply because it took me too long to get it in my head that I’m a Shadowhunter.” Finally, she raised her head again and looked directly at Leonidas. “I’m not a kid anymore, so don’t treat me like one.” Having had enough of his 
 Whatever all of this shit was, she withdrew from the desk. Feeling worked up, she really wanted to punch something. “Glad to know he didn’t manage to completely kill off your emotions.” Somehow, she actually meant it, though she did not like the way she found out. Not even a bit. Sera curled up emotionally, shielding herself from any further punches he could throw at her. For years her motivation had been to find him. To save him. Maybe even to revenge him. And now he was telling her that it was stupid and that he had never wanted her to come and save him. She would have made it worse. He didn’t even think she would stand the slightest chance. Guess I really do still suck. How encouraging. Alright then. Since she was looking straight at him, she could see how he was refusing to look at her, which ticked her off even more. Walls up completely, she grabbed the bundle she had placed on the chair. “I’ll have your clothes washed”, she said, voice void of any emotion whatsoever. “See you at training.” With that, she headed towards the door. Sera had never been much of a talker, especially emotions. Rather than that, she would sit in her room for hours on end, brooding. Or spend them hitting a dummy in the training area, increasingly getting upset with herself. She was prone to overthinking every tiny detail until it was on the verge of ripping her apart emotionally, which she was definitely going to do when she got back to her room, throwing the bundle against the stupid wall in hopes of getting rid of some of that anger.
Geschrieben von <g12>Leonidas di Angelo</g12> - 04.09.2022, 17:52
Everybody assumed he had been through some shit but honestly nobody could even imagine what it had been like for him. Every possible story they created inside their head might sound utterly horrible, still they were nothing compared to the reality. Not only the physical pain, torture, the wounds, the starving, the living in the dark, the hardship he had been endured. His psyche was more rotten than before, got formed in a way not everyone in the Shadowhunter world would like. His whole being broken into pieces he had collected dearly and put back together with effort. Somehow you could still see the cracks, some better mended than others, some not recognizable with the bare eye but a brush over it revealed its roughness and misshape. He had been drilled for different kind of orders and scenarios, following every barked order he received. Reggie had seen so much potential in him and had focused on eliminating targets in his training, assassination. Naturally, he had had to run through other stages before but ultimately landed there. Feeling every slight mistake, everything his targets would experience too. Knowing the sensation of being aimed at, being on someones list, being tortured in all possible ways. Near death wasn’t a stranger to him but he always made sure its visits were fruitless.

But what had changed her? Clearly, she had hinted that it had been because of him. Always the quirky and cheeky girl, she had had many problems following the rules. Seriousness didn’t suit her, in her opinion, so she hadn’t put much effort into her training. Recalling those information even from his memory when he had listened to his grandmother’s updates and chats. However, his disappearance had resulted into changing her attitude towards training and generally everything. The look she had on her face right now was a silent witness of that. Had he ever seen her eyes sparking that coldly? Her expression that stern? Getting a closer look by walking towards the espresso machine, he continued his preparations whilst talking to her. It sounded like an educational class, a lecture from someone old, far older than they actually were, about life and its treasures. A thought, a word flashed through his mind when he looked back at her, into her marble eyes – ”Tesoro”. Where did that one come from? He couldn’t really tell. It was 
 just a random thought. Some kind of intention he couldn’t comprehend. Even though she had changed and had grown on all the experiences like he did, he saw something in her probably nobody else did. Sweet and delicate like a flower, still dangerous like a predator. A combination one would find in many Shadowhunters but she
 it was another level, a twist in both 
 he couldn’t unravel it like a mystery, a riddle
 Not only was it their friendship which connected them
 Something else, he didn’t know, couldn’t name, hadn’t experienced in this extend. Maybe he would find out later, needed, must because it would slowly drive him crazy otherwise, the unknown, the not knowing

Sitting back down nearly every fiber of his being screaming: ”Don’t be like me! Don’t! Stop!” Her thirst for revenge being like a thorn in his eye. Not only dangerous but blinding too. Staying silent he had just taken a sip from his cup before he put it on the table, when she dropped the bomb. ”Anything. To. Save. Me. ?!” Is she serious?! Did she just told him she would have been in trouble if she had went looking for him?!
His heart flinching and picking up pace at once whilst he stood up again, his fingers pressed against the wooden surface of the desk so hard that they turned white. Leaning forward every one of his muscles was tensed, someone might be afraid they would tear any second. Clenching his jaw he stared her directly into the eyes. ”You would have not only been in trouble if you had been looking for me. He would have either killed you within a heartbeat or did the same to you what he did to me. And you know which variant I would have preferred? The first one because I couldn’t, no, I CAN’T live with the thought of you enduring the same as I did, seeing you harmed, hearing you scream, knowing what you’d been through when you would return back down there
”, obviously, Reggie wouldn’t have them trained both at the same time and kept her in the bunker room just like him, ”
 and the fact that I can’t help you, can’t make it better, can’t make it stop, can’t make him stop
 all just because of me!” Everything inside of him screamed, the lion ravishing inside of him, while his heart ached. Just the thought of it was enough, imagining it was even worse. And his mind played this perverse illusion of her in that situation with him perfectly. With a thunderous force his hand hit the desk, everything on his desk trembled, some coffee spilled over the edges of the cups but he ignored it. He was furious. Not angry about her comment in particular, more like the consequences if she had really found him at Reggies’, about Reggie, about all the shit he had endured. ”Just you being there with me would have made it a lot worse! Alone, I could live with my thoughts, could deal with everything, knowing I would, one day, be back.... I would see my family again, my friends, you. Knowing all of you are safe, you are safe... You were the ones that kept me from loosing my mind completely, gave me the strength I needed, the will to keep on fighting every single second”, gasping for air he caught his shaking breath, his whole body shaking. Gathering himself he calmed himself by forcing his breathing to slow down. His hair dangling wildly from his forehead. Inhaling deeply through his mouth, he added after a few seconds: ”Don’t talk about you potentially running away to find me like it would have only been one of our childish tricks.” They had never been in real trouble. Never. Pressing his lips shut, he shortly turned his head around, away from her. Realizing he had lost control over his temper, he shut his eyes. Why had it been so easy to imagine her there with him? Why had the anger rose inside of him so suddenly and strongly with it? Leaning back the numb pain started to pump inside his hand which he had punched onto the table. ”I
 I am sorry...”, he managed to say sighing loudly. Why was it so hard? Why did she made everything so much harder? Why did she have so much power over him? Not daring to look back into her eyes, he managed to turn his head back around at least. ”I truly am...” He felt so bad for screaming at her...
Geschrieben von <g12>Serafina Rossi</g12> - 03.09.2022, 10:07
‘You only know the true value of something once you’ve lost it’, was it? If he knew how much she had suffered after his disappearance, it would knock him straight off of his feet. Then again, one could probably say the same thing the other way around. Not that she’d have an idea of what young Leonidas had thought back then. What he’d been through in order to make it out alive. And even though she wanted to hear him out, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle all the emotions it would stir up. She had always been a very emotion-driven child, especially at a young age. Eventually she had to come up with a way to shield her vulnerable side from everyone around her, because she’d been scared to be hurt. Scared to experience loss once more, of any sort or form. While she was now better at protecting herself from others, she was more prone to get hurt by her own habit of overthinking and interpreting too much into other’s actions or words. In the end, it got her nowhere. She’d just put up walls, constantly telling herself she did not necessarily need others to get better. To succeed in life and become a good Shadowhunter. She was wrong. Deep down, she feared the little voice inside her had that knew, locking it out. But she needed them. Needed her mamma, needed the few friends she’d left in Rome in order to confirm whether or not Leonidas had come back. The more she looked at him, the more she realized how badly she had needed him to be alive. To be safe. Or, well, as safe as a Shadowhunter could be. So, yes. She had learned the true value of what or whom she had lost back then, and now, she had realized it, too.

Serafinas gaze was set on him as he rose from his chair and walked around the desk to approach the espresso machine. Her blue marbles were locked on his side-profile as he spoke while his body did the usual. His short glance did not escape her, and she knew what he meant to say. But it did not affect her in the slightest. She had experienced first hand how dangerous a lust for revenge could be. Though, it had also proven to be the motivation she had needed to become a Shadowhunter. One that took her training seriously. Since she was so focused on her own thoughts, her mind did not have the time to wander as he was grinding the beans. Did not take her back to their first meeting, and her feelings of embarrassment and whatever-the-fuck the other things had been. That, she was still figuring out.
Of course, it did not reverse the damage. But it had to be somewhat satisfying, right? Bring peace of mind that they could nobody hurt anyone, including oneself and their loved ones. ‘Everything you experience will stick on you. It forms you in every sense.’ Her jaw twitched as he sat down a new cup of coffee in front of her, marginally nodding as a thanks. Focused on the reply forming on her tongue, she did not grasp the meaning behind his words completely. “I know that too well.” When she was younger she had been a bit more lively than how she was now. Bubbly, playful. Unbothered by what people might have thought of her words and actions. Now, it was different. She was very much bothered, and her bubbly side had died off. Unless, of course, she was feeling flustered, put on the spot. She’d never been good with confrontation, anyhow. As a child she had just stared them down. Depending on who she was facing nowadays, she would either just sneer at them or spout nonsense in a flood of words she could not stop. She could still be her lively, enthusiastic self, but only around certain people.
Waiting for him to sit down across from her again, she simply kept her eyes on him. “Doesn’t change the fact that I vowed to kill the ones responsible”, she told him, shrugging with one shoulder only. “Not that it matters now, since you beat me to it.” Not knowing why, she felt a slightly bitter about it if she was being honest with herself. About the fact that she could not satisfy her need for revenge, as much as her having the audacity to claim said revenge for herself. Sera scoffed: “Please, as if you wouldn’t have done the same if you had been in my shoes.” Anyone as close as they had been would have done the same, right? “I’ll have you know, I would have done anything to find you”, she shrugged and tried to think of a topic to steer the conversation into a more light-hearted direction before she actually broke that stupid cup in front of her. “Anything to save you.”
Geschrieben von <g12>Leonidas di Angelo</g12> - 03.09.2022, 06:24
Been raised in a typical Italian family, they had always kept an eye on him and his style. From his birth on he was destined to follow his grandmothers’ footsteps, become the head of the Rome institute. With this fate, he had been confronted his entire life. In some way, he had to sacrifice parts of his life for that. As a child he wasn’t allowed to play childish tricks with his childhood friends, tricking people, just having fun that way. At first, he had always said yes, then called them back to order just before they would have done their prank or whatever they had planned to do. Another point besides his behavior was his style, of course. Always dressed appropriately, maybe even a bit too formal for a child, he couldn’t tell he didn’t enjoy the feeling of the high-quality fabric on his skin. Primarily, his grandmother had chosen the outfits to wear for his visits, seemingly knowing his wardrobe better than anybody else – still he thought she had ordered the clothes from the family tailor. During the last five years, he hadn’t had such luxuries. Earning his clothes through good trainings, he often had to wear smelling, dirty ones with holes and cuts, you couldn’t call them clothes anymore. Since then, he didn’t seem to care much. As long as they covered him, fit and he could fight in them, he was alright with anything. Probably, that’s why he hadn’t cared much – he was used to not be worth something more than his work force.

Every word he said seemed too much. Scenes flashing right before his eyes, tried to cloud his mind with darkness. ’Harder!’ - ‘Faster!’ - ‘Stronger!’ - ‘Better!’ - ‘More!’ - ‘Too slow’ – ‘Not even close’ – ‘Dead within seconds’ – ‘No chance’ – ‘Too obvious’ – ‘Wrong!’ - ‘Again!’ - ‘You didn’t earn that’ – ‘Lucky strike’ – ‘Poor technique’ – ‘Barely okay’ – ‘FIGHT!’ - ‘FIGHT BACK’. His voice growled in his mind like thunder. The image of him burned into his mind with his dismissive look on his face like he was even less worth than the dirt underneath his shoes. Remembering how he had to earn privileges which weren’t called that in normal life – more than just a bit of bread and water as meals, new clothes when the old ones were ruined, showers – not inside but outside under the garden hose with ice cold water with snow in the winter -, the right to use his stele with a gun pointed to the back of his head so he wouldn’t be able to do anything, guitar sessions just to keep a bit of his sanity and other things. With every passing memory the corresponding scars started burning like fire, twitching and itching. Some felt like they had just been cut or created in their own unique ways. Still he kept going, told her what he had been through in a rough sketch of events. Barely revealing any details, he did as much as he could. Just created a coherent story out of the parts, she could fill in the gaps herself. When he was able to tell the entire story? Describe some of the worst days he had in detail? Lot more time would pass till then. Moreover, he was surprised that he had been able to say that much. Always the one voice in the back of his mind asking “Why her?!”, he hadn’t had an answer for that.

When he turned his gaze back to Serafina, her face was a perfect reflection of his own. Some mimics he hadn’t seen on it before. It didn’t fit his image of her. The Serafina he knew, had changed. They had grown up, yes, but that wasn’t everything. A part of her personality had transformed, drastically. Clearly, revenge flashed in her eyes, anger, fury, much more hatred than one would think she could come up with. She hadn’t reached the level of his stone-face yet. Observing her he tried to find out what was going on inside her, he inclined his head slightly. Reading people. Another ability that came in handy. His stoic calmness another one of his new traits, suppressed his feelings on the outside and let him seemingly disinterested interested in the matter. Occasionally taking a sip from his cup, he sat the empty one down. The silence between them louder than any spoken words. She had to gather herself, no, the information, process it.

Pleased and silently surprised about this question, he turned his eyes to hers again. Keeping silent, he listened to her harsh self-criticism. Best friend 
 His heart would have jumped joyful and excited in his chest about that title but not in this moment. ”Sometimes you first start to value the things you own, the persons you know and possibilities you have when you don’t have them or something happens”, aware he knew what he was talking about without pointing out something specific in his life – or someone. ”Revenge is powerful like all emotions. They can be your blessing, your strength...”, with that he stood up and joined her on her side to get to the espresso machine, ”
 or your ruination – not only in battle.” Glancing to the side, he looked at her, before he reached for her cup to refill it when he had prepared everything. Firstly, grinding the beans again. ”You would think killing someone who had done such unforgiving things, to yourself or anyone else, would give you some kind of sanctification, some kind of relief
 But eliminating the cause doesn’t reverse the damage that has been done”, patiently and meticulous he pressed the powder into the filter, ”Let me give you an advice: Don’t think anything can be closed like the pages of a book. Everything you experience will stick on you. It forms you in every sense.” Setting her refilled cup down whilst he brewed the coffee for his own, he added: ”And don’t try to take revenge on anyone because of me. I don’t want you to get in those kind of 
 trouble – too.” Clearly, he stated she was strong enough to do so, however, he didn’t want that on another level, a more personal one. Indirectly, he told her how much he cared about her and her well-being and that he wasn’t worth any trouble she would run into whilst trying something because of him. It sounded almost like he wasn’t worth it – them, their relationship, anything really.
Geschrieben von <g12>Serafina Rossi</g12> - 02.09.2022, 10:54
For an Italian to not care about his appearance or the impression he would leave on others by being dressed in suited clothes was simply unheard of. Shadowhunters already had their pride when it came to showing off their runes, but said pride combined with the dignity of someone with their roots in Italy, it was inconceivable that one had the same set of clothes in their closet. Multiple times, at that. Even without access to designer- or exclusively tailored attire, they cared a lot about it. Flair, yes. Serafina took mental notes to push Leonidas for a shopping trip soon – be it in New York or, even better, at home. But for them to return back to Rome, he would have to be ready to face his family and people he would be in charge of leading to battle one day. She wasn’t going to insist on going home straight away, but she could not let him roam these halls with one way too simple set in his wardrobe.
Since she didn’t dare to look up whilst she talked about her experience with this place, she did not see the first signs of struggle on Leonidas’ face. If she had, she would’ve stopped herself from saying those things which were most likely very hurtful to him. He clearly didn’t feel comfortable anymore, that much she could tell. Sera wasn’t the most empathic towards other people, but she did feel with them. Sometimes, a little too much, which was exactly why she did not want to get too close to anyone anymore. In the end, she would just get hurt. Be it by experiencing loss, grief, betrayal. Hurt. She did not want it anymore. She could not do it anymore. But it did not change that she did feel. Way too much for her own good. Too much for her to handle.

Hands clenched around her coffee cup, she flinched as her friend started to speak.
The words he spoke made her feel like her heart was breaking once more. The more he spoke, the tighter her grip around that cup became. Her lips were pressed, her jaw clenched. When she finally moved her gaze from her hands to his face, she was a mirror to his emotions. Cold, distant, closed-off. Something inside her had died the day he disappeared, and something else had taken its place, fueling her anger. Her thirst for revenge. Not even knowing whom it had been directed at, since nobody had ever told her anything. Who had taken or killed her best friend. A Downworlder? Another Shadowhunter? Who? But now, she knew. And she really wished that she didn’t. Hearing what he had been through 
 She couldn’t possibly imagine his pain. Sure, she’d had her own share of suffering that she’d endured, but it was different from his. Very different. Hope was the most dangerous emotion, capable of so many things.
Even as he told her his story, he did not dare to look at her. Sera forced herself to ease her grip, or else she would break the cup in her hands. It was clearly getting to him, so much was obvious. His sleep 
 He’d probably been plagued by nightmares. And understandably so.
Surprisingly, this time, her first instinct was not to go around the desk and embrace him. Instead, she really wanted to smash something. It had been a while since she broke stuff while throwing a tantrum or having a breakdown. She thought she had bettered herself, but clearly, she had not. Just with suppressing it, but the urge to do so was still there. Loud and dominant, resonating in every fiber of her body. The fact that Leonidas could keep his act together, aside from a slight trembling in his voice was astounding. She did not want to imagine how many emotions he’d had to kill off to be able to do so. How quickly he’d had to leave his childhood behind. Her anger was suffocating her. He had been waiting for them. Waiting for someone – anyone – to come and rescue him. Instead, he’d had to rescue himself. She had been so selfish, only thinking about her own feelings. Her anger, her sorrow. The sadness she had been drowning in for months after he’d disappeared. Lusting for a revenge she might never get. All while he had been stuck in a cage, struggling.
As he concluded, Sera was not yet sure what to feel. Many different emotions raised their heads, only to be replaced by another one. Lethargy being the most dominant one for the time of his explanation. Fury, irritation. Sorrow. Numbness. Hatred, terror. But not sadness. Not pity. Instead, she felt 
 Unfulfilled. As realization kicked in, she was gritting her teeth. Serafina had been bested, it seemed. Robbed of a vengeance that hadn’t been hers to claim in the first place. Yet, it angered her. Even more that she had the audacity to claim said vengeance for herself, when she didn’t even know if Leonidas had still been alive. Instead, she had succumbed to her suffering, accepting his death. What a coward she had been.
Utterly displeased with herself, she placed the cup on the desk in front of her. All of the tingling in her lips, the butterflies she had felt before had disappeared. Died off. She could only guess what ‘passing the test’ meant, but she had a rough idea. After a long moment of silence, she asked: “Did it bring you closure?” Staring at him, she did not take her eyes off of his face. “Killing him.” She did not know what kind of answer she expected. What she wanted to hear.
Scoffing, more at her selfish thoughts than him, she looked away. “Kind of pathetic to think that it would take my best friend’s disappearance for me to get a move on and become a Shadowhunter”, she whispered, voice steady but harsh. “For years my only goal had been to find you. To become strong enough to save you.” Instead, she had accepted his death and left him to fight for himself. Displeased, she jutted her chin. Drew a couple of deep, controlled breaths before finding his gaze, looking straight at him. “I wanted to find the ones responsible”, she said calmly. “I vowed to kill them all.” But I took too long. She wasn’t sure why she told him this. Did she feel like she needed to justify herself? Or make sure he knew that she never gave up on him? Because she did. At some point, she had lost hope, lost all reason.
Geschrieben von <g12>Leonidas di Angelo</g12> - 01.09.2022, 08:53
And now he had broken the trinitarian sanctity of the Italians - family, the kitchen and clothes. Which of these pillars had he not already broken? He had not informed his family, had not stirred pasta or other Italian specialties for ages, or even cooked them himself, and had limited himself to the simplest and most minimalist, almost spartan clothing. Accordingly was the reaction he received from Serafina. She stared at him in amazement and even finished her hair care. Immediately she made a decision, and he only raised both eyebrows. She was going to buy clothes with him?! ”You really don’t want to do that”, he tried to convince her from the opposite, however, he knew he couldn’t change her mind. She was stubborn and persistent enough to eventually even drag him to the mall. Clearly, he would resists. Maybe even just to upset her
 Blinking he realized what he was thinking. Why would he do that? Waste his time with something so insignificant? Really, this girl and her influence on him 

With the mug of coffee in his hand, he listened. His eyes focused on her, he took in every small movement. Her sigh filling the room told her more than thousand words. Together at their first dinner, she had been a bit picky, you could say. Almost with disgust in her eyes, she had looked over the menu, her nose wrinkling slightly. Clearly, she wasn’t here to enjoy the city or gain any more experiences outside of Rome. Her heart was in Italy and would always be there. However, you should never compare New York to Rome. They were complete opposites as she pointed out. No need in denying that. Dark. Wet. Depressing. Those words his him in a different way. Closing his eyes he frowned, pushing away the memories that crept up upon him. Not now! Swapping the cup to his right, he pinched his eyes with the thumb and pointer finger of his left hand. Usually, he had done that, the other way around as it was more comfortable and didn’t felt that weird as a left-handed. However, over the years he didn’t had a primary hand any more, had trained with both or just one side when the other had been injured. Especially with his choice of weapon, the chakrams, he must be able to fight with both. Nodding slightly, he agreed with her on training could work as a distraction. It was it for him too. Probably, that’s why he spend so much time in the trainings room.

Looking at her again, he lowered his hand. The breeze
 How could he forget it? Its soft strokes over his skin, swiftly playing with his hair, its warmth but still coolness compared to the heat of the sun at the mid of day. Carrying the smell of the sea, maybe even coffee and freshly prepared food. Shaking his head slightly at her apology. ”Don’t apologize, please. That’s exactly what I don’t want. People re-thinking every word they want to say, apologizing or feeling bad for them because of me. I do not want to be treated like a raw egg, a stray dog which trust you must gain first” Calmly, he waited, catching his breath and gathering himself. Swallowing the lump that tried to clot his throat, he forced it down. How much would he be able to say? How much could he tell? Turning his gaze towards the not-lit fireplace, he needed somewhere to look at. Anywhere, just not at her. He would see her heart break again, her whole body language would tell him how shocked she was, her face filled with terror, her eyes swelling with tears
 He didn’t want to see her like that not even be responsible for that but she wanted to know, would listen. ”I don’t know how much you know. How much they told you...”, he started his story to just to find an introduction really, ”My trainer and I had been chosen to be part of a mission. Everything had been researched, seemed fine. When we got there, nothing was as it should have been. We had walked straight into a trap. Everything was pure chaos which we tried to escape but we stood no chance...” Scenes flashing right before his eyes. The smell of blood and death, the screams of commands, pain and sorrow, his own heart beating heavily, his breathing staggered, using his weapons somehow, his injuries burning – his only goal: to get out alive. His scars stinging as a reminder of that moment. Putting his cup down for safety and so she wouldn’t see his hand starting to tremble. ”My only luck, you could say, had been a mundane with the sight who had watched, found me and took me in.” His phrasing already telling he hadn’t been lucky. Probably, she could fill in some blanks herself. ”He took away my weapons and my stele
 He had been an ex-soldier, high ranked, fought in Afghanistan and other places and wars, discharged with honors and psychological problems... Somehow I could convince him, I am just like him... – a soldier
 So he decided to train me
” His hair raising in awareness, his voice had gotten thin, his gaze still somewhere in the distance like he was there. ”Fair to say he had
 methods...” Visibly struggling, he wasn’t able to cry, didn’t. His body not even shaking, only his voice betrayed him, did he fell back into his usual unreadable self, stone-faced, cold and mystical stare. ”At first, I believed it wouldn’t be that long till some Shadowhunters would find me. They must be looking for me, right?”, now his words were nothing more like a whisper, however, talking about his thoughts back then was much easier than the actual experiences, ”Then I pondered about what the Clave would say in different scenarios I had modeled in my head
 Or the mundane would let me go after some time when I had finished my training? Probably with a final test...” The memories screaming in his head, pounding against the door he had locked them inside his head which caused him headaches on several locations, primarily directly in the mid of his forehead. No, he couldn’t tell more. Couldn’t go into details but now she knew the shallow frame, knew at least a bit and could fill in the blanks. Grabbing his cup, he finally turned his head towards her. His eyes shining with an ice-cold fire she had never seen before in them. The cold probably from his usual gaze and distanced behavior but not to this extend. ”I passed the test”, he concluded with an emotionless voice and took a sip. With a blink of his eyes they turned back to normal, well, the soldier normal. She could guess the date when he had graduated from his ‘private school’ roughly, too.
Geschrieben von <g12>Serafina Rossi</g12> - 27.08.2022, 07:05
“‘What should I have aga-’?”, she started repeating, speechless, but he had already closed the door behind him. Flabbergasted, she ran her hands over her face. Honestly, what was it with him? Did he seriously not have a single fucking clue about all of this? NaĂŻvetĂ© or denseness? Shaking her head at him, as well as himself, she followed the steps she had taken when she first set foot in his room and made herself a cup of well needed coffee. Serafina was actually amazed by how unaware Leonidas seemed to be of all of this. Not that she had any 
 Intentions, but if he kept going like this, people might very well think that she did! Or they. Whatever! Point was, he was too oblivious for his own good. At least when it came to this.

Trying to calm herself down, she started combing and scrunching her hair with her fingers. Better than placing them around his neck to strangle him, she thought. It was safe to say that by the time he’d come back out of the bathroom, she was still upset. Her stupid lips didn’t want to stop reminding her of what had happened, either, and it was really starting to get on her nerves. Following him with her eyes, she watched him closely. When he answered, she stopped in the middle of her scrunching motion. “I’m sorry, I must have shampoo clogging my ears.” She blinked at him in confusion before pressing her lips together, as if she was first thinking very hard about something, but then unsure whether to say it or not. In the end, however, she did. “That’s a big no-no. As an Italian with fashion sense, I can’t allow that.” Without even asking him, it was already decided. “We’re going shopping. Soon.” There was no way in hell someone from a proud, Italian family would be fine with wearing the same outfit every day. Even when it came to suits, there had to be some sort of variety.
Of course, she had already been expecting his next question. With a sigh, she leaned forward, grabbing her coffee. The warmth felt nice and comforting on her skin. “This place is too different”, she admitted without looking up from her cup. “I just can’t sleep properly here. But it’s not just 
 This.” Moving her free hand, she gestured around here to include the whole Institute. “It’s this city. So dark, wet, busy. It’s depressing.” Probably didn’t help that her whole room was plastered in dark, wooden panels. The complete opposite of her room back in Rome. “I also realized that when I can’t find sleep, training usually helps. Self-improvement and all.” For a moment, her gaze was drifting, not focusing on anything in front of her. Rather, she was imagining home. “I miss the breeze, you know?” Before she could even look back up at him, she realized her mistake. Disappointed with herself, she closed her eyes. Of course, he would know. He hadn’t seen that place in a long time. “Fuck, Leonidas, I’m sorry. I meant- I sometimes just say things without thinking and 
 ” Never before had she wanted to punch herself in the face so much.
Geschrieben von <g12>Leonidas di Angelo</g12> - 26.08.2022, 12:23
Whatever it was, however she managed it, it was good for him. For the well-being of the boy inside him, who appeared almost constantly with her. Was it because they had spent their childhood together? Subliminal memories that made him relive the same emotions as back then and thus led him to his old self? It had to be something... He had been thinking about this since their first meeting after all these years, but he had not found out anything yet. The same was true for his strange heartbeat. Maybe it would still come up... somehow. After all, he couldn't really stand it if he couldn't explain something like that. Thereby he had already collected some and various experiences, but even with this collected knowledge, he didn't know, why... That made him still completely crazy! This ignorance!
When she reached for his hand, he did not have as many questions and thoughts as Serafina herself. For him it was a simple, quick gesture to prevent someone from leaving just like that. Or? There was not too much behind it for him. Apart from those strange and ambiguous 'symptoms' - what else could he call it? - that he received. However, he seemed to get used to them slowly...

With a change of clothes he returned to her in the bathroom and then left the field to her. After she had returned with her clothes, he himself disappeared with a pack of them. What did she mean by already couples-look? Just because she was wearing his clothes? "What should I have against it?", he asked before the door closed behind him.
Inside, surprisingly, he did not feel the tropical heat he had expected, but a pleasant coolness. Serafina must not have changed the water temperature setting, after all, he also took a cold shower. In no time he had even taken off his clothes and placed himself under the pleasantly cool water. Apparently she had changed something after all, because he had to turn the setting back completely to the highest blue bar. That she had used his shampoo, of course, and due to the lack of her own, was relatively unimportant to him. It was there to be used. A few moments later he had finished showering himself, lightly and quickly drying first his hair, then his body before stepping into fresh clothes. A simple stroke of his hand over his head put the long strands of his mop of hair in the right place - since they were growing relatively fast, he would soon have to either reach for the knife or buy more products for it.

Back in the main room, he was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As if attracted by a magnet, his gaze slid to Serafina, whose long wet hair curled slightly. Had he seen this on her before? Sure, when they were children, but he had no memory of that at the moment. Still, he had to admit, he was not averse to these waves. Circling the desk, he sat down in his chair, reaching for his still half-full coffee cup. "Clearly," he agreed with her and could tell, she was glad to be out of her sweaty clothes as well.
Blinking, the cup hovered in the air briefly as he looked up at her. "I didn't know you were so interested in my wardrobe..." he began, before resuming his movement and leaning back. "But to answer your question, I own several copies of the same clothing - same cut, same color, same material." At the explanation, both of his brows lifted slightly and he seemed to toast her formally with his coffee cup. "I didn't know you were training so early," he objected after a sip and a quick glance at the dial of the alarm clock on the nightstand, which read just before 2 a.m., "Or rather late." Although she had come to see him for training at 4 a.m. the other day, he had attributed this to the time zone shift before classifying her as a rather early bird. But not like this, surely? "Couldn't you sleep?" was the first reason that came to his mind. With his question, however, he invited her at the same time to enlighten him further about it, if necessary, or to instruct him if he was wrong. He would listen. Just some other conversation before he would tell her. Time he needed to prepare for his story time, or rather horror story.
Geschrieben von <g12>Serafina Rossi</g12> - 24.08.2022, 08:55
When she touched his hand briefly, he didn’t seem to mind at all. Not that he seemed to have minded before when she hugged him – especially after both crying on one another’s shoulders a couple of minutes ago – but he seemed less 
 Tense? Less on edge, as if they had finally managed to completely go back to the way it was when they were children. Touching each other almost being natural. Could they have possibly managed to overcome the last hurdle that had created the tiniest, lingering feeling of distance between them? Whatever it had been, it was gone now, and Serafina was more than happy about it. Relieved, even.
He didn’t shake off her hand or look displeased in the slightest, which hopefully meant that he had finally and completely opened himself to her in one way or another. Overjoyed, she was almost able to ignore the persistent, prickling sensation on her lips. Seriously, how was he so damn unaffected by it? Though he seemed unbothered with her holding his hand, she released him shortly after. Seemingly understanding what she had wanted to say, he raised a finger at her, asking her for a moment of time before leaving the bathroom.

She could have just 
 Left. Went to her own room, and taken a shower there. It would have been much less complicated than whatever the hell was going on here right now. He must have known that, too. Surely, he did. But instead of going their separate ways, both taking a shower in their respective rooms, he was basically telling her to take a shower in his room. How could someone who was such a rational, logically thinking leader in front of practically everyone else in this Institute suddenly behave that way? When just mere days ago, he didn’t even seem phased or affected by her embarrassed blabbering at all. Neither her flirting. Or, well, maybe the freaking almost-kiss they just had?! Seriously, what on earth was wrong with him. There couldn’t be a hidden meaning to all of this, right? Right, there was no way.

Whilst she was busy overthinking as usual, Leonidas had grabbed a couple of his own clothes to hand her. Again, she was worried that it wouldn’t fit her size, but it seemed like he did not. Maybe he just didn’t consider it, seeing they had both been together since they were children and probably even bathed together back then. Frowning, she wondered if he even saw her as a woman at all. Serafina eyed the clothes he had placed on the chair, puzzled, unable to really do anything but nod before he left her in the bathroom. She stared at the pile for a good 30 seconds before sighing defeatedly and getting undressed. Keeping the shower brief, she went for a cold one, considering her body felt like it was on fire. It felt a little off, not being able to use her usual shower stuff. Now, she smelled like him, instead of her usual blend of lilacs and vanilla. The tiniest grin crept upon her face. A childish thought had crossed her mind, that she would be looking forward to attentive people’s faces when they noticed that they smelled the same today. And by attentive people, she meant one lady in particular. Hair wet, tiny drops falling onto her damp skin, she was confronted with the situation yet again. Still kinda-sorta grinning to herself, she hesitated. Her sports bra was just as soaked in sweat as the rest of her clothes, so 
 What was she supposed to do? After pondering about it for just a couple of seconds, she decided not to wear it. Instead, she would just get a move on and not hang around for too long, so that she could get to her room and put on an actual bra before the rest of the Shadowhunters got out of their beds. She could already imagine that Leonidas would not understand, though. Whatever. Somehow, it was rather cute. Annoying, yes. But cute nevertheless. When she was done dressing, the only actual piece of clothing that was her own were her shoes. And, yes, her fears had been legitimate. It was rather tight around the chest. Since she had decided to go for a cold shower, the mirror had not fogged up, letting her take a look at herself before leaving the bathroom. Weapons strapped around her leg; she headed over towards where he was sitting. Old clothes tied to a bundle that she had rolled up in her shirt like a gift in her hands, she opened the bathroom door, seeing him sit at his desk, enjoying a coffee. Remembering how he picked her up, her cheeks turned even more rosy. Clearing her throat, she smiled: “Didn’t know you were so keen to go for a couples-look already.” Serafina placed her bundle on the chair of the other side of the desk, making herself a cup of the blend she’d had before. She didn’t even have enough time to properly finger brush her hair before he was rejoining her. While his hair was soaked yet neatly streaked, hers was basically towel dry and curling up at this point. Genetics had blessed her not only with curves, but with the most amazing, natural beach waves. Not that he would be able to appreciate that, but she sure did. “Feeling better?”, she queried, continuing to scrunch her hair. After looking at his get-up, she lowered her hands. "Seriously, don't you have any other clothes?"
Geschrieben von <g12>Leonidas di Angelo</g12> - 24.08.2022, 06:31
Glad to have each other back, he was still faced with a very big task - letting his family know. How he was going to do it? Possibly he would talk to Sera about it again. But these thoughts were banished to the back of his mind for the time being. Instead, the emotions burst upon him, pulled him off his feet and literally rolled over him. She made an important contribution to this. Her mere presence was enough, she herself was also overwhelmed by feelings. Why he was so vulnerable with her of all people? He could not explain it to himself. One part of him wanted to know the answer, another part didn't care at all. As long as they had each other... It was ... strange and just good, perfect. Even earlier, as children, they had harmonized together. And he was the one who had mostly gotten involved with the girls' fluff. By that he meant not only Sera's, but also Lydia's. What rivalry existed between the two, he did not know then as now. If he had to, could he choose one?

Even after they had both calmed down a bit, he didn't immediately notice their close body contact. For him, the only thing that counted was how they were both doing emotionally. If they needed it, he would continue to stand close to her. For him this was not a problem, he did not even think in any other directions. Later he might notice that they had been relatively close to each other, very close. An embrace among friends of a different kind? Rather, he would again be preoccupied by the strangely irregular beating of his heart, which played madly at the slightest gesture of Serafina. Not to mention her touches.

But now the spell between them seemed to be broken. His spontaneous and somehow almost unrecognizable reaction was immediately rewarded with a screech of his name, which only made his smirk finer and wider. For his sake, she could quietly giggle his name more often. And right there it was again. How did he come up with such thoughts in the first place? Almost as a kind of kick, his heart jumped against his chest at that moment. What did this want to tell him now? Unless it was completely out of control again? He would certainly rack his brains over that later. Now he carried her safely the few meters to the shower, where he set her down. To stand directly under it with her did not occur to him. If they were at a lake, however, he might have simply thrown her in completely at a deep spot.
In order not to appear impatient and strange, he already turned away to leave, but was held back by her "wait". Turning to her, he was quite aware of her hand, which had wrapped itself around his. Shortly the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, but he skillfully ignored his formal caution at this moment. Staring blankly at her, he needed a few seconds to process her statement. Far too much of his attention was focused on her hand, the touch of her skin. What did she mean? Ahhh, clothes. To cover this brief moment of his trance, he ran his free hand through his hair. "Un momento per favore," he asked her, briefly raising the index finger of the released hand, its fingers still tingling from the gentle brush of hers over it. Something inside him just now was a little... displeased with the quick release. By the angels, what was it? Not wanting to let his distraction show any further, he had made his way to the closet. Dark wood processed with black metal and a mirror. All in all, it measured easily two meters and was actually much too big for Leonidas. He kept his clothes simple and minimalist, as well as his furniture. 10 long-sleeved shirts, 10 pairs of jeans, a total of 3 pairs of shoes, 20 pairs of socks and underwear - all in simple black and all the same model. That facilitated, or rather saved, one the search for a suitable outfit enormously. With all but the shoes carefully stacked on top of each other, he returned to the bathroom and placed them on a small chair, which was specially prepared for this purpose. By stroking through his hair, his strands became even more wild and stood out even more because of their self-will. "Here. Problema risolto," he concluded with a slight upward tug of the corner of his mouth. "Towels are hanging fresh there. Just help yourself." With that, he now left the bathroom to her alone and sat down at his desk to make himself a cup of coffee. Should she also want one, he would then make her a fresh one. Afterwards, he would go into the bathroom after herself with a fresh bundle of clothes of his own, and after a good five minutes, rejoin her fully dressed, but still soaking wet, yet neatly streaked hair.
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